Mind Series Wiki
"Follow the innermost thoughts of Victor, a 23 year old Marine aboard the Von Braun light speed ship, and an anxious individual."
―Tagline for Victor's Mind
Victor's Mind-1

Victor's Mind (also known as Goggles' Mind) is a cancelled Mind Series that was to be recorded in the game System Shock 2. The first iteration was planned by RampantMouse and the second by PepperThePepperlicious.


Victor was born in 2091, 19 years after the Citadel Station Incident of 2072. He was born into a fairly wealthy family, so he went to a highly respected school. His father was a technitian, so he learned how to bypass security in computers, leading him to prank his friends constantly. Although being highly academic in school, he yearned to make a difference. At age 20, he signed up for the UNN Navy, Learning from his superiors. After he graduated, he signed up to be part of the crew of the UNN Rickenbacker, leading to the events of System Shock 2.
