Mind Series Wiki
"Maybe keeping this op under wraps was a bad idea."

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Harrison's Mind is a machinima series created by Ian Riley. In this series you follow the thoughts of Cpl. Andrew "Frosty" Harrison, from the game Alien VS Predator 2.



Character Personality

The show info, Harrison is described as "A Colonial Marine, and awesome individual." Though in Ian's own words he described Harrison as a mix between Barney's, and Shephard's Mind personality, or as nicknamed by Corky, "Barnard".


  • Both Barney and Harrison hate bees.
  • Kane's Mind Episode 40 retroactively connects to this series by having Matthew Kane, at the time suffering from the effects of a teleporter malfunction, teleported into the vents where Harrison subsequently heard the sound of crawling in Episode 2.


MightyPirate's Mind Blog [Blog for Barney's Mind, Ian's Mind, and Harrison's Mind, and many other MasterMind Collab Projects]

Harrison's Mind Episode 1
